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What is IBE?

IBE must knows

IBE is the #1 most requested Hand-Tied Extension method.

Why? It prevents damage, eliminates discomfort and has styling versatility. 

What to expect

First things first, set up a consultation to go over your questions, concerns, and if you're an IBE candidate. We will discuss your hair history, your current desires and a plan to get started. 

Need to know

IBE is designed to beautifully fall in place with your natural hair. This means you can wear your hair up in a ponytail without seeing your extensions.

What can IBE do for you

IBE can add fullness to your current length, give you some length & volume, fill in sides and weak spots, or even make you a mermaid!

how does ibe work 

IBE is named invisible for a reason, it is invisible in your hair. Perfect placement, color choice, & blending help to make these extensions invisible.

ibe maintenance

The installation fee will always be the same for how many rows you have. Average maintenance appointments are 8 weeks with IBE. We can also do you color if needed at these appointments

Extension Investment Talk 

All new extension clients require a consultation 


Where to start ?

During your consultation we determine what length you are wanting. This will help me determine how many rows you will need. The price of hair varies on the length we choose. I offer 18 -24 inch lengths. 


initial investment

18 inch 

- 1 Row $950

- 2 Rows $1,515

22 inch

- 1 Row $1050

- 2 Rows $1,715

24 inch

- 2 Rows $1,915

Move Up Cost for

1 Row is $175

2 Rows is $275

Color Refresh for Wefts $35-75


What is included?

These prices include you cost of hair, your first install, custom coloring of the wefts, custom cut of wefts, and at home care products. These prices are non-negotiable, Extension clients must take home my recommended at home care products. 

Still Interested?  Request Consultation Now
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